Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Innovations in Distance Education

Because of my interest in LibX I thought I would try the library web page of Virginia Tech, the home institution of the LibX project. I was surprised that I didn't find more interactivity than I found, but it is more geared to distance education than many other library web pages. They have a search box for the online catalog and a search for databases on each of the pages of the library web page.

I realize that we are looking at innovations in distance education, and this is directed more at the tools, but these tools are often the product of such innovation. I think that it is actually cyclical. The innovations drives the production of the tools, which drives further innovation.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Innovations in Distance Education - Conduit is another form of "pushing of information" that I reviewed for the committee. is great for commercial industries, but I didn't see it as terribly appropriate for the academic community. Upon further examination I realized that I was probably being short sited about it. It's important to approach technology with an open mind.

Conduit is a feature that can be added to the toolbar. Like LibX, it is more amenable to Firefox. I think that most open source tools are designed for Firefox. I learned that this is the case because Firefox itself is open source and Explorer is not. Unfortunately, courseware like WebCT works best with Explorer.

If you want to try Conduit for your learning community it doesn't take long to set up an account, just go to I also made a tutorial for creating an account -

Innovations in Distance Education - LibX

I have been working with a committee regarding the implementation of library resources in distance education. We have been experimenting with open sources on the web. The last resource that I used was LibX. LibX is a catalog tool that uses COins (content objects in spans)
The standard used by COins is Z39.88, open URL resolver. I believe that Z 39.88 does for distance education what Z39.50 did for libraries.

LibX provides a way to design your toolbar according to the electronic resources available through your library. It allows you to put your catalog on your toolbar as well as open resolvers for databases. Below is the permanent URL for the LibX I set up for my library. You can set up your own LibX by going to and clicking on "create your own libx now". It's best to use Firefox because Firefox extensions are easier to download and can be deleted easily.

Creating LibX tutorial

The permanent URL for the Firefox extension for my LibX is and for the IE plugin is

Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 2

Online distance education began out of the need for a more convenient method of access. It serves the niche of the community that would not otherwise have the opportunity for continuing education. It provides the student with education that can conform to her location and time frame. Online distance education can also be more convenient to the educational institution. While the technology itself is not cheap, and teaching online courses requires a combination of the knowledge of the material and the skill to teach through technology, it does not require an expansion of the physical campus.

The phenomenon of the online classroom today is similar to the phenomenon of the night college in the mid 20th century. It is similar in that it accommodates the schedule of those in the work force, and it allows the colleges to tap into a niche that makes use of its current resources. In the early 1940s there were 30,000 students in the United States that took advantage of night school. By 1958 this increased by ten-fold (Wittmer, 1958). We’re seeing a similar expansion in online distance education.

Distance learning can occur both asynchronously and synchronously. It is the asynchronous method of delivery that is often preferable. Asynchronous delivery has the advantage of convenience, but it also provides the students and instructors the opportunity to reflect upon posts. While synchronous communication provides the opportunity to interact in real time, such interatction is not always the best learning method. Synchronous communication allows further elucidation, but asynchronous communication appeals to the constructivist method of learning that occurs in the online learning environment.

Constructivism is also known as the social learning theory, a theory first espoused by Vtgotsky in the early 20th century. The online student is not out there on her own, as it may seem. It is through collaboration that social learning occurs. Success within the online learning environment is largely a responsibility of the student. The role of the teacher has not been replaced, but has changed. The instructor in the online environment is that of facilitator.

Online education is not limited to colleges and universities. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 1/3 of public school districts in U.S. had students enrolled in distance education courses in 2002- 2003. This study also showed the 9% of the public schools had students enrolled in distance education programs. Eighty percent of these districts said that distance education was used to provide courses that would not otherwise be available to students. This demonstrates the importance of the accessiblity provided through the online learning environment.

Wittmer, Felix . "Our Night Colleges are Entitled to Better Support ." Saturday Evening Post 16 Aug. 1958: 10. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Ingram, University of West Georgia. 28 Jan. 2008

Useful sites for online learning:
I'm currently in a committee regarding the learning platform used by USG . We've been discussing the use of open source software. Sakai has been referred to frequently. I found this video to be very helpful in understanding just what Sakai is:
Another learning platform I have been recently introduced to is that of